Dan Diaconescu, bagă-ţi unghia-n gât (şi altceva în altă parte!!!)! În exclusivitate pe emtee-photo.blogspot.com, primele poze ale unei planete nou descoperite, precum şi a uneia dintre creaturile ce o locuiesc! :)
/ I don't want my foreign visitors to feel left out, so i will say some words in english, too. We have in Rromania a dude who brings different types of whores and morons to some stupid show, to talk about extraordinary things... He's well known for his high ratings (which prove the stupidity level is very high in Rromania -as is all over the world-). Anyway, here are some photos of a new discovered planet, and a photo of it's inhabitants. :)
/ I don't want my foreign visitors to feel left out, so i will say some words in english, too. We have in Rromania a dude who brings different types of whores and morons to some stupid show, to talk about extraordinary things... He's well known for his high ratings (which prove the stupidity level is very high in Rromania -as is all over the world-). Anyway, here are some photos of a new discovered planet, and a photo of it's inhabitants. :)